- 长庆油田北京办事处
- 地点:北京 建筑面积:3.3万平米设计时间:2011.1—2011.4
- 简介:北面是血液中心,西面是住宅区,通过软件计算分析对周边建筑的日照遮挡,推算出建筑的几何形体。由于日照的因素,采用退台的造型。每个露台设计绿化露台,不仅使住宿娱乐环境优雅,同时也提高了周围环境的档次。这样此建筑成为周边建筑的绿化环境。南北方向的下沉庭院不仅使地下一层的使用空间满足采光要求,同时也在入口处就有绿化围绕,让人进入建筑犹如进入一片绿色的森林的感觉。
- Changqing oil field Beijing headquarter
- Location: Beijing area:33000 sqmperiod:2011.1-2011.4
- Introduction: blood center on the north , residential community on the west, calculated the sun shading by eco-tect, we got the form of the building. Considering the sunlight, we give the building a step-back form. Every platform covered by plant, increased the living environment. And also provided the green space to the neighbors.