殊舍新闻 | News
- 2015年12月福建庄家自宅项目开工建设
- 2015年8月廊坊万庄温泉度假村开工建设
- 2015年7月筑龙网第四届《关注成长力量》邀请殊舍建筑何红才做为导师阵容
- 2015年7月《环球设计》中国最美新建筑寻访北京站参观殊舍建筑办公室
- 2015年6月核桃公寓产品研发中心牵手殊舍建筑,形成战略合作伙伴
- 2015年6月北京花园里厂房改造项目动工建设
- 2015年5月殊舍建筑何红才受邀英国haskoll建筑设计公司做讲座
- 2015年3月殊舍建筑多个作品发表于美国建筑网站《World architects》
- 2015年2月崖门会所项目发表于《建筑学院》
- 2015年1月殊舍建筑何红才入选《中国当代80后青年建筑师调查报告》
- 2015年1月殊舍建筑何红才座客中央广播电台接受专访
- December 2015, Zhuang house in FuJian was under construction.
- April, 2015, Wanzhuang Hot Spring Holiday Village in Langfang was under construction.
- July, 2015, Hongcai He was invited by Zhulong website to be one of their tutors of the fourth activity “Power of Growing”.
- July, 2015, The group of Exploring the Most Beautiful Modern Architecture organized by UniversalDesign visited ShuShe Office Building.
- June, 2015, Walnut Apartment Research and Development Center formed the strategic partner relationship with ShuShe Architecture
- June, 2015, The plant of Huayuanli in Beijing was under construction.
- He HongCai from ShuShe was invited to give a lecture in Hoskll in May 2015.
- March, 2015, Several projects, designed by ShuShe Architecture, were published in an American Architecture website World Architects.
- February, 2015, Yamen Yacht Club Project was published in College of Architecture.
- January, 2015, Hongcai He from ShuShe Architecture was selected to Chinese Contemporary Young 80’s Architects Report.
- January, 2015, Hongcai He from ShuShe Architecture was invited to give interviews by China National Radio.