具有五年以上设计院工作经验,担任过大中型项目的设计师及项目负责人。 能独立完成各个环节的管理和技术工作。三、建筑师
熟练掌握设计中用到的各种软件,较强的方案构思及创新能力,工作认真负责, 具有团队合作精神。四、实习建筑师
大学建筑学、城市规划学、景观设计专业的在校生。 熟练掌握设计中用到的各种软件,做事认真负责, 人品忠厚老实。五、行政助理:
公关/媒体/市场营销或相关领域专业(具有建筑学背景更佳,流利熟练的英文表达)。熟练操作Adobe Suite和Microsoft Office等办公软件。主要负责市场和媒体公关。- 所有合适的请发简历和作品集到2hcad@163.com或者致电010-56152933咨询
We don’t judge people of their diploma. The ones who loves architecture,high skilled, responsible, and have the same goals with us are welcomed
love architecture, kind and simple, highly skilled in design and experienced.(2)Project architect
Over 5 years of working experiencein large design firm, in charge of big project. Capacity of whole process of management and design development.(3)Assistant architect
Skillful user of design software, with the capacity of creativity, dedicated, responsible and good team spirit.(4)internship
student in the school major in architecture design, urban planning, landscape design. Good with design software, dedicated, kind and simple. Applicant please send resume to 2hcad@163.com(5). Administrative Assistant
PR / Media / Marketing or Related Areas of Expertise(its better if having the architecture background with fluent and skilled English). Manipulating skillfully the office softwares such as Adobe Suite and Microsoft Office. The main responsibility is limited in marketing and media PR.