- 无锡环保办公楼
- 地点:无锡 建筑面积:4万平米设计时间:2010.1—2010.10
- 简介:此项目北面是主干道,南面是一条宽阔河流,南面景观朝向非常好。办公空间南面直接采光和中庭采光,走道采用天窗自然采光。每个办公空间有自己相对独立的屋顶花园,和一些公共的花园。同时每个屋顶花园通过大小楼梯连通在一起,方便交流。景观不单单是景观,楼梯不单单是交通的构建,他是建筑立面的组成部分。同时设置屋顶绿化、雨水收集、太阳能发电等节能措施。
- Wuxi eco-office building
- Location: Wuxi area:40000 sqm period: 2010.1-2010.10
- Brief introduction: main road on the north, wide river on the south, and good view from the south. First we analysed with the forms, make sure not to block each others and connected in the same time. Rooms, corridors, roof, stairways all become an organic body. Office space get the daylight from the south and courtyard, and the corridors from the sky. Every office space has independent roof garden, and shared gardens. All the gardens are connected by stairways, in order for the communication. In this way the garden and the stairway become part of the façade. Meantime, green roof, rainwater collection, solar power facilities were used.