- 借水吟馆
- 设计机构:殊舍景观 项目地点:北京市景观面积:1570m2设计时间:2013年3月-2013年10月设计团队:何宏仕 王妲 谢宝昕 朱玲
- 简介:私人会馆树木植被良好环境优美。通过景墙和建筑围合出大小不同适人尺度的庭院,保留基地内的原有树木,建筑的屋顶和平台也成为景观的一部分,建筑和景观相互融合没有明确的界限。所有院落围绕中间水院一系列展开,并将树木的倒影反射给建筑内部的人们,提供了一片宁静树林休闲空间。
- Hall for Chanting by Water
- Design Department: Shu Se Landscape Project location: BeijingLandscape Area: 1570m2Design Time:March 2013 to October 2013Design team: Honglin He, Dan Wang, Baoxin Xie, Ling Zhu
- Introduction: in this private hall, there are good vegetation trees with beautiful environments. During the design of this project, king walls and buildings were used properly to create various intimate courts with different sizes. The existing trees in the base were kept, the roof and platform of the building were also taken as a part of the landscapes. There were no definite limitation between the merging of the building and landscape. All courtyards were built around the intermediate water courtyard and the inverted images of the trees were brought to the people within the building resulting in a leisure space within the quiet trees.