- 益阳美景天城
- 地点:北京平谷 建筑面积:3.2万平米设计时间:2009.6—2011.8
- 简介:此项目位于北京平谷区,建筑面积3.2万平米,由五十栋别墅和一个配套共建组成。户型面积由200平米到400平米不等。全部采用木结构,工厂加工现场组装。木结构的组装区别于中国传统榫卯构造,施工简单,速度非常快。构建采用标准模数尺寸,可以大批量工厂预制。构建工厂大批量生产,现场组装。而且每个构建非常小,方便搬运,组装方式轻巧方便。而且可以大规模同时施工。没有湿作业,工期不受天气影响。一栋别墅现场施工周期不超过一个星期(不含室内装修),材料环保、保温性能非常好。可以大范围推广。
- YI Yang Mingjingtiancheng
- Location: Beijing Pinggu area:32000 sqmperiod: 2009.6-2011.8
- The project consisted of 50 villas and a supporting facility. The layout of the house varied from 200 sqm to 400 sqm. All made of wood, readymade and assembled on site. produced by modulus and small parts were easy to transport. Could be constructed in the same time and not influenced by the weather. The construction period of each villa is not more than a week(not including the interior), environment-friendly material, good heat-insulating property.