- 翔峰国际的售楼会所
- 地点:辽宁营口 建筑面积:2120平米设计时间:2014.3-2014.5设计机构:殊舍建筑
- 简介:本项目是翔峰国际的售楼会所,在设计上我们给了一个理念“万花筒”, 我们完美无瑕地结合了东方和西方的元素。 对于那些期待着非凡体验的宾客来说,仅仅称之为“会所”是不够贴 切的。 翔峰国际的售楼会所希望宾客们能尽情享受他们在这里的每一个时刻及 每一个细节。” 会所内各处,都可体验到室内灯光设计切合空间主题的巧妙思维。 为了在这忙碌的都市生活中带来自然和悠闲的环境, 我们 打造了一系列静态和动态的投影,创造出奇妙的空间氛围。 独特的灯 光效果与室内设计配合的天衣无缝。 许多特别的灯具,其灵感来自于 中国传统灯具外形,融入现代的灯具设计,达到意想不到的效果。“ 把这个开创性的概念带到营口,让翔峰国际的售楼会所在各个方面成为先驱。 我 们希望带给宾客们对会所及营口的永恒回忆。
- Xiangfeng International Sales Club
- Location: Yingkou, Liaoning ProvinceArea:2,120㎡Date:3.2014-5.2014Design Institute: ShuShe Architecture
- Introduction: This project is Xiangfeng International Sales Club, we give an idea of "Kaleidoscope" during the design and combine the elements of Eastern with Western perfectly. For those guests who are looking forward to an extraordinary experience, just called "club" is not apropos enough. Xiangfeng International sales club hopes that the guests can enjoy every moment and every details here . Everywhere in club, you can experience the ingenious thinking that how the lighting design suit the interior space topic. In order to bring the natural and relaxed environment in this busy city life, we create a series of static and dynamic projection, creating a wonderful atmosphere of the space. Unique lighting effects and interior design fit perfectly. The special lamps are inspired by Chinese traditional lamp shape, mixing with the modern lighting design to achieve an unexpected results. "Bring the groundbreaking concept to Yingkou, make Xiangfeng International Sales Club to be the pioneer in all aspects. We hope to give the guests eternal memories about the club and Yingkou .