- 青岛辽阳东路地铁物业开发
- 项目地点:青岛 建筑面积:60万平米甲方:青岛地下铁道公司设计时间:2013年1月—2014年7月
- 简介:地铁沿线开发是商家必争之地。但是我们也清醒的认识到目前国内的地铁沿线开发除了自然街区之外,成功的案例并不是很多。
抓住换乘站的机会,我们将地铁周边商业和居住资源做了精细估算和相应的疏导处理形成了贯穿整个大区的社区商业。本设计将地铁视为疏导的出口而非仅仅是人流的入口。结合巴士、步行和小汽车、停车场,在整个大居住区形成了聚合效应。也为地铁线路的后期运营提供了人流依托。 - Metro Property Development of Liaoyang Dong Lu, Qingdao
- Project Location:Qingdao Covered area: 600,000 square meters Party A: Qingdao Metro CompanyDesign time: January, 2013- July, 2014
- Introduction:
Although the development along the subways was the commercial battleground, we noted that there were so many failures in the development along the subways except the natural streets.
Based on the transfer station we had estimated exactly the commercial and residential resources and made the appropriately dredging, resulting in the community business throughout the entire place. The subway in this project was taken as the exit to dredge instead of the entrance for flow. The buses, walking,cars and parking lots were integrated reasonably in the large residential area which had presented the gathering effect and provided the flow basis for the future operation along the subway.