- 宁波象山世茂酒店
- 项目地点:宁波 建筑面积:6.5万平米甲方:世茂房地产控股有限公司设计时间:2012年11月—2014年6月
- 简介:象山世茂酒店依托象山大目湾的开发形成了自己独特的景观和人流优势。不过同时我们也注意到因为交通和气候等等制约,大目湾并不是一个理想的度假地。我们将酒店的设计偏向变得更加倾向于城市餐饮服务与短期旅游。结合当地周边的风土资源,海滩的地貌和海风的感觉得到最终的酒店设计。
- Ningbo Jiangshan ShiMao Hotel
- Project Location:Ningbo Covered area: 65,000 square meters Party A: ShiMao Real Estate Holdings LimitedDesign time: November, 2012- June, 2014
- Introduction:
Xiang Shan ShiMao Hotel had already advantaged its own unique landscapes and flow based on the developed Xiangshan Da Mu Bay. However, by observation we found its disadvantages existed in the traffic and weather. Da Mu Bay was not an ideal resort. Therefore, the hotel we designed focused on the urban catering services and short-term travel. Combined with the local terroir resources around, the landforms beach and feelings of the sea breeze were used in our hotel design finally.