- 深圳阿里巴巴大厦
- 地点:深圳 建筑面积:8.1万平米设计时间:2011.5—2011.7
- 简介:通过对基地的情况(面对后海湾)和深圳当地气候(风向、温度、日照、台风)的分析,推敲出这样一个体块。建筑成一个“八”字形,让办公的每个面都能看到海(面对海湾的地形)。通过计算风向让海风能轻松穿过建筑内部,同时开洞的处理又能避免台风对对大面积墙面造成损害(风向)。办公空间在一天最炎热时候基本都在自身阴影内,西晒的部分只有交通空间(日照)。同时设置屋顶退台绿化,雨水收集系统。完全是一个面朝大海,春暖花开的景象。
- Alibaba headquater in Shen Zhen
- Location: Shen zhen area:81.000 sqm period:2011.5-2011.7.
- Introduction: after the analysis of the site and the local weather(wind, temperature, sunlight), comed up a form as “八”, let every office face the sea. And the opening just enough to circulate the air and avoid the damage by typhoon. The offices were in the shade during the hottest time of the day, and only the traffic space beared the west sunshine. Roof planting and rainwater collecting were adopted also.