- 大连热电办公楼
- 地点:大连市 建筑面积:2.9万平米设计时间:2012.1—2012.7
- 简介:此项目是一个综办公、宿舍、公寓、食堂、调度中心的综合体。我们创造一个环境中有建筑建筑中有环境的办公建筑。我们分析大连的气候、风向、附近公路以及基地的高差关系。推导出这样的一个体块,同时利用基地高差关系,巧妙的作为半地下停车,又使办公楼的二层主要入口跟主干道在同一标高上,化弊为利。每个功能空间分析对外和对内的流线关系,相对独立,共用的功能通过连廊连接在一起。
- Dalian heat and electricity office building
- Location: Dalian area:29000 sqmperiod:2012.1- 2012.7
- Introduction: this is a complex building of office, cafeteria, apartment and dispatch center. After the analysis of the site, we decided to create a tangle of building and environment. We took the advantage of the landform, created a semi-undergound parking lot, and the main entrance on the second floor. The corridors run through the building to connected the buildings with shared function.