- 东升科技园记忆墙
- 设计机构:殊舍景观 项目地点:北京市景观面积:2268m2设计时间:2013年5月-2013年10月设计团队:何宏仕 赵颖 王妲 谢宝昕
- 简介:项目位于北京东升科技园区内。园区在拆迁兴建的过程中遗留下大量的钢材、机械设备等,如何尊重和重新利用这些历史元素,是本次设计的出发点和难点。红砖墙作为新景观和原景观的媒介无疑是本次设计的重点,以老砖墙的改造和再设计为核心,展示各种老机械工业文化,并结合玻璃和不锈钢这些现代元素的利用,希望在园区内塑造一片与历史对话同时带给人们回忆的区域景观。
- The Memory Wall in Dongsheng Technology Park
- Design Department: Shu Se LandscapeProject location: BeijingLandscape Area: 2268m2Design Time: May 2013 to October 2013Design team: Hongzhuang He, Ying Zhao, Dan Wang, Baoxin Xie
- Introduction: this project is located within Beijing Dongsheng Technology Park. During the demolition and construction of this Dongsheng Technology Park, there left a large number of rolled steel products and mechanical equipments. Therefore, what was a starting point and difficult point of this design was how to respect and re-use these historical elements. As the intermediary agent between the new landscape and old landscape, there was no doubt that the red brick wall was the design focus. Taking it as the core to transform and re-design the old brick wall to exhibit the industrial culture reflecting from various old machineries with these modern elements such as glasses and stainless steel, the design aimed at building a regional landscape where people could talk with the history and bring memory to them as well.