- 厦门庄家自宅
- 地点:福建厦门 建筑面积:999 平方米设计时间:2015 年10 月- 2015 年11 月设计机构:殊舍建筑
- 简介:本自建宅位于福建厦门,两座临近自建房靠近场地东、北两角。为保证用户 的隐私,所以我们根据临近自建房的视线制定了坡屋顶的坡度方向。阶梯式 的中庭能保证在尺寸限制紧张的情况下保证采光和通风。错开的楼层能让底 下客厅的通高得到保证。
- Xiamen House
- Location: Xiamen, FujianArea:999 square metersDate:October, 2015 - November, 2011Design Institute: ShuShe Architecture
- Introduction: This self-owned hosued loacated in Xiamen, Fujian. Two existing houses were close to the east and north corner of the site. We shaped the roof according to the sight from the closing blocks to keep the privacy of the user. The funnel shaped atrium contributed to the lighting and ventilation in the situation that the size of the structure are strictly limited. The straggered floor lead to the hight ceilling of living rooms on the first floor.