- 姚家园精品酒店
- 地点:北京姚家园 建筑面积:10300平米设计时间:2014.6-2014.11设计机构:殊舍建筑
- 简介:本项目是旧楼改造项目,改造前是办公和餐饮使用,改造后作为经济型酒店, 本次设计打破传统酒店的做法,大堂及客房已简洁明快的点 、线、面的极简主义 处理。现在的人们在繁忙的都市日夜奔波,而佳生活酒店可以给客人一个“都会桃源” 的感觉。 佳生活酒店的设计有别于传统豪华酒店所提供的服务,佳生活酒店秉承让客人独享“禅意” 的理念,将度假胜地的感觉巧妙地融入于当代都会空间中,形成低调奢华和内 敛雅致的现代触感,现代风格与极简禅意相互融合,丰富的感官体验,让宾客 沉浸在个人专属宁静所带来的全新感受中。
- YaoJiayuan Hotel
- Location: YaoJiayuan, BeijingArea:10300㎡Date:6,2014-11,2014Design Institute: ShuShe Architecture
- Introduction: The project started with an old building renovation, and the design purpose is to modify the original office and restaurant to an economic hotel. Breaking the habit of traditional hotel design, the lobby and guest room are treated with concise and lively minimalism of point, line and plane. Comparing with traditional luxury hotel, we bring in the concept of "ChanYi" on which the sense of nature could be tactfully integrated into contemporary metropolis, and thus generate a restraining as well as elegant atmosphere. This combination between modern characters and concise minimalism could stimulate abundant sense experience and let the guests totally immersed