- 无锡南长街复兴
- 项目地点:无锡 建筑面积:8905平米甲方:江苏古运河投资发展有限公司、新港商业投资管理无锡有限公司设计时间:2012年11月—2012年12月
- 简介:我们尝试让鸭子滩的复兴计划切入整个南长街的发展之中。以卢米埃影院的进驻为切合点,结合周边形态,形成一种主题体验业态组合。利用主题化的设计,强化鸭子滩在无锡人中的印象。并且利用这种新的复合业态来拉长整个南长街的经营时间,加厚他的商业深度。让复兴推动整个片区可持续的长效发展。
- Reconstruction of Nan Chang Jie, Wuxi
- Project location: Wuxi Covered area: 8905 square meters Party A: Jiangsu Ancient Canal Investment and Development Co., Ltd. , Wuxi Co., Ltd. Of Newport Business Investment ManagementDesign time: November, 2012- December, 2012
- Introduction:
We tried to put the recovery plan involving the Ducks Beach into the development of the entire Nan Chang Jie. Combined with surrounding environments, the settlement of Lumiere Cinema was a relevant point in order to achieve a theme experience format portfolio. The theme design was used to strengthen the image of Ducks Beach to the people in Wuxi. And this new composite formats could make the operating time of the entire Nan Chang Jie lasted and thickened its business depth to make the recovery putting the sustainably long-term development of the entire area.