- 顺义别墅
- 地点:北京顺义区 建筑面积:678㎡设计时间:2015.8设计机构:殊舍建筑
- 简介:该地块处在北京东北角的顺义区,这里农家自建房分布密集。 由于地块南北向狭长且紧邻邻居住宅,因此方案采用南北向 坡屋顶形式,天井以及屋顶天窗来提供充足的室内光照和通风。 同时加强了建筑各部同周围环境的联系。
- ShunYi House
- Location: ShunYi district, Beijing Area:678㎡Date:08.2015Design Institute: ShuShe Architecture
- Introduction: The site located in ShunYi district, north-east of Beijing, where there are full of high-density self-owned houses. Because the site sketches from north to south in a long strip shape, thus a slope roof, atrium and roof lights were brought in to provide abundant sunshine and ventilation. Besides, it also enhanced the linkage between house and environment.